Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Declaration of Independence reveals the American paradox: Blog 7

The United States concluded our Independence Day celebration,  so I thought I would share my views regarding an article titled “The Declaration of Independence reveals the American paradox; written by Michael Gerson , an opinionated writer for the Washington Post. The purpose of  "Independence Day" is to celebrate the United States Declaration of Independence; which was written to “justified the independence of the United States by listing colonial grievances against King George III, and by asserting certain natural and legal rights, including a right of revolution.” The document also served as proof as well as a formal explanation as to why Congress voted to become an independent nation after the American Revolutionary War, July 2, 1776;  although the document was not signed until July 4th.

Gerson stated, “Americans do not merely love a set of philosophic abstractions; they love a concrete nation, with an identity that is under siege. An Anglo-Protestant heritage of law, religion and culture are threatened by a variety of forces, within and without multiculturalism, illegal immigration and politically correct leaders who refuse to even name our enemies.” And goes on to state: “It is a paradox that those who want to emphasize the uniqueness and particularity of American culture — rooted in a specific ethnic and religious background — are adopting the most typical form of nationalism.” I couldn’t agree more.

Our nation’s ignorance is quite impenetrable. We were (is) a nation that imprisons thousands among thousands of slaves of all races. From slaves on a plantation; to becoming enslaved in our prisons. But yet the Declaration of Independence was written in order for this “great nation” to become free of King George’s reign. Our Congress even went as far as to create and tweaked the Chinese Exclusion Act, which implemented immigration rules by race and to some extent by religion. Again, it’s ironic.

Bottom line - Abraham Lincoln used the declaration as the core of his speech-making and policies in which were made known in Gettysburg Address speech in 1863. One of Lincoln’s most famous statements: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Until we as Americans truly understand  “WHY” Lincoln's speech was so important to ALL AMERICANS, there will always be a paradox.  

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Commentary: Legalizing Marijuana written by Jane Kim blog 8

I truly have mixed emotion regarding a blog written by classmate Jane Kim titled, “Legalizing Marijuana.”  Some of her studies can very well be fact check through Google, but I think I would have to disagree with some of her statements.  

I agree that children and adolescents should not have the accessibility to marijuana product, as they should not have the accessibility to alcohol or tobacco products. I agree with her findings and according to Harvard Magazine, studies have shown that neural development in young brains “have both fast-growing synapse and sections that remain unconnected.” The magazine went on to state, “an experiment in which rat brain cells were exposed to alcohol (which blocks certain synaptic activity) and when the alcohol was washed out, the adult cells recovered while the adolescent cells remained disabled.” And because studies show that marijuana (cannabinoid) use blocks cell signaling in the brain, according to Jensen who conducted the experiment, “We make the point that what you did on the weekend is still with you during that test on Thursday and concludes by stating; “You’ve been trying to study with a self-induced learning disability.”

With that being said, I will argue that marijuana, Cannabis, Maryjane, Kush, Hydro or whatever name you would like to call it should be legalized in all states for several reasons. First, I believe that allowing such product to be legalized like alcohol and tobacco will eradicate minorities in our prison population who are there for minor and/or major marijuana possession charges. Minorities, who make up over half the prison population and who are classified as first-time offers can land a prison sentence longer than someone convicted of murder. By legalizing cannabis, in my opinion; take away those individuals who stand on the street corner defining their hustle as a job with a sophisticated title such as a “Pharmaceutical Technician” off our inner city corners as well as our schools.

Secondly, according to study reports at the Mayo Clinic, “medical marijuana has possible benefit for several conditions.” In most human studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic, condition with a b or higher has shown strong to good scientific evidence for use in such disorders as chronic pain and multiple sclerosis. I also believe that marijuana can also be used for those suffering from anorexia because cannabis acts as an appetite stimulant to increases ones need to eat. And although I’m not a smoker, I’m sure I can find one person who would testify under oath that once their euphoric high begins to diminish, their appetite begins to increase; hence the word “munchies.”

We are a society ran by conservative up tight politicians. And the very ones who want to continue with this claim that marijuana should remain illegal are the same politicians who like former President Bill Clinton once stated: “I smoked pot but I didn’t inhale.”