Saturday, June 25, 2016

Commentary: e·qual·i·ty [əˈkwälədē] written by Sydney:Blog 6

Is the operative word for today’s generation equality? I believe so, especially after reading a blog titled "e•qual•i•ty [əˈkwälədē]/:noun: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities" by one of my classmate Sydney. I found her blog to be bold and her views very well defined.

Sydney referred to our government as a "Rube Goldberg machine", and although I wasn't sure of what such machine was; it became apparent as I continue to read her blog. Sydney stated, “The government is a slow moving Rube Goldberg machine that has to be readjusted and tweaked over and over to get the marble onto the next part, meanwhile the obstacles are changing” and I agree.

Our nation's government has no choice but to keep up with the everyday changes our society presents. The obstacles will continue to change and because of those changes, our laws must be tweaked.

It's no secret that women are not being paid the same as men although both may have identical education backgrounds, and qualification necessary to do the same job. It's not a secret that civil right laws are being violated and is more prevalent today than 60 years ago, thanks to social media. And it's no secret that homosexuals couples have to fight harder just to have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

Why should it be so difficult for politicians to comprehend? Equality equates to equal rights regardless if it goes against the government's norm. Society will continue to move forward with our demands for equal rights as our government remains to stagnant.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why haven't the government implemented stricter guns laws: Blog 5

It's  been a little over a week now since the Orlando massacre, and I hate to say my feelings haven't changed one bit regarding “assault” weapons in gun stores all across America. I get the fact Orlando will go down as the worst domestic terrorist attack in the United States, yet our government is missing the key element-how was he able to obtain such weaponry in the first place?

My thought about it is how quickly did our politicians forget what prompted gun control laws to begin with; in 1999, Columbine High School became the scene of domestic terrorism at the hands of seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. 12 students and one teacher murdered as the two walked the halls of the school fully armed.

With terrorism, whether domestic or not, the million dollar question is how guns in the United States are too accessible regardless of the type due to lack of regulations necessary to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Dave Collins, an Associated Press writer for ABC News, the lawyer for the families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre told judge Barbara Bellis that “A gun manufacturer should be held accountable for selling the public semi-automatic rifles that were designed as military killing machines.” 

Although I would like to agree-I can’t. The gun maker should not be at fault because someone decided to purchase “their” military-grade weapon with the sole intent to kill. Who is at fault, however, are the politicians who continue to  make a conscious decision to ignore the BIGGER picture as long the NRA continues to keep their pockets full.

Bottom line, why can the United States government have stricter regulation for Medicaid and Medicare than they do gun laws- which I find awfully insane. I can't walk into the Department of Human Services expecting to show my ID and fill out a single page application and here you go I now have my food stamps.

DHS requires you to submit an 18-page application just to get an interview; not to mention most corporation are requiring an applicant to submit a personality test just to see if they would make an "excellent candidate" regardless of how "impressive" their resume is. And still the United States government can't seem to figure it out how to implement gun control laws?

You would think that by now stricter laws would have been implemented to make it virtually impossible to purchase since it has been 17 years since Columbine. How many more live have to be taken before our congressmen get it together?

I get that it's my constitutional right to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment?" I'm not arguing that one can't have that right per the amendment, what I am arguing about is the blatant misinterpretation of it.

Just a simple afterthought; it's not the guns that kill, it's the person behind the trigger. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Trump Is So Toxic That Even Members Of His Own Party Would Rather Vote Hillary:Blog 4

Correct me if I'm wrong but has Trump lost his mind to the point that even members of his own party would rather vote for HilaryWell, according to assignment editor Alana Horowitz Satlin, a writer for The Huffington  Post; it appears so. And there is no doubt she is trying to grab the attention of other members of the Republic party with this article.

It appears that the GOP front-runner Donald Trump has become the most embarrassing candidate in GOP history as he continues to make a donkey of himself every chance he gets. According to the Huffington Post, “A top official in the George W. Bush administration has become the most prominent Republican to endorse Hillary Clinton for president”.

Richard Armitage made a statement in an article published by  Politico“that Trump doesn’t appear to be a Republican; he doesn’t appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton.” But Mr. Armitage is not alone. 

Former governor, Arne Carlson (R-MN), also made a statement to the CityPages, that “no human being in history has been more vetted” than Clinton while Trump "has taken campaigning to a new low.” and although Carlson didn't come straight out and say it; it sounds like a “Hillary endorsement” to me. 

Ms. Horowitz Satlin, goes on to make claims that although other Republican have not voiced their plans to jump on the Hillary bandwagon, "but have said they can't support Trump either". 

Here's my question of the day: If you do not have the support of your own party, why would you continue to make a mockery of real issues as though you are in a scripted "Reality" show. Keep this up Mr. Trump the next words you'll here is YOU'RE FIRED. And the hopes of being the next President of the United States of America may only be an episode on House of Cards. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Assault weapons must be banned in America: Blog 3

With the horrific massacre that took place in Orlando this past Sunday, and as I begin trying to process my thoughts or rather disassociate myself altogether; I came across this article, written by Eugene Robinson, an opinionated editor for the Washington Post and rightfully titled "Assault weapons must be banned in America" and felt as though he was writing my thoughts.

It was made clear from the very beginning of the article who the editor audience was as I proceeded to read. Mr. Robinson's hopes of finding a way to address the problem with a possible solution would be the ideal. But let's be honest, it may take a few more attacks of terror on U.S soil before our politicians wake up and remember exactly why The United States Constitution was written and why the Second Amendment was adopted.

He argues that "No hunter needs an AR-15 to bring down a deer" and I agree. The US has way too many "right-wing extremist" whose sole purpose is to take the United States Constitution and twist it in such a way for the purpose of making things fit their needs and their needs alone.  The Second Amendment was written for the people by the people which state “to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms by supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state”. Not to have the right to take military grade weapon and cause havoc because of religion, hatred or the "just because" factor.

Mr. Robinson also argues that "Congress should immediately ban gun sales" or provides "universal background checks" to anyone who wants to purchase any military grade firearms. Even with that being said, the Orlando shooter passed his background check as still was able to commit the worse massacre in US history. So that tells me We are still failing as a country and more regulation are necessary to keep our country safe from those within our walls-no puns intended.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Keep'em coming Mr. Trump: Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ attack leaves fellow Republicans squirming (again) Blog 2

Today, a Washington Post reporter set their eyes on Capitol Hill seeking an answer from the Republican Party regarding their presumptive presidential nominee- Donald Trump. It appears, Mr. Trump just can’t seem to keep his racist antics to himself; tweeting out in the tweeter atmosphere “Pocahontas is at it again”, referring to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). 

I found the article quite amusing as I recall an interview Mr. Trump gave with CNN’s news anchor Jake Tapper, just one week ago. Mr. Trump suggests that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel recused himself from Trump’s current lawsuit filed by former students of Trump University, stating that his Mexican Heritage makes the judge bias because of Trump plan to build a wall along the Mexican/US border.

If that wasn’t enough, he finds himself yet again; in the news, this time, making underhanded slugs towards Sen. Elizabeth Warren assumed Indian Heritage. First, it was President Obama's "Muslim" faith and "citizenship" and now Mexicans and Indians. 

I just don't think the Republic Party could prepare enough for such disconnected nominee.