Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why haven't the government implemented stricter guns laws: Blog 5

It's  been a little over a week now since the Orlando massacre, and I hate to say my feelings haven't changed one bit regarding “assault” weapons in gun stores all across America. I get the fact Orlando will go down as the worst domestic terrorist attack in the United States, yet our government is missing the key element-how was he able to obtain such weaponry in the first place?

My thought about it is how quickly did our politicians forget what prompted gun control laws to begin with; in 1999, Columbine High School became the scene of domestic terrorism at the hands of seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. 12 students and one teacher murdered as the two walked the halls of the school fully armed.

With terrorism, whether domestic or not, the million dollar question is how guns in the United States are too accessible regardless of the type due to lack of regulations necessary to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Dave Collins, an Associated Press writer for ABC News, the lawyer for the families of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre told judge Barbara Bellis that “A gun manufacturer should be held accountable for selling the public semi-automatic rifles that were designed as military killing machines.” 

Although I would like to agree-I can’t. The gun maker should not be at fault because someone decided to purchase “their” military-grade weapon with the sole intent to kill. Who is at fault, however, are the politicians who continue to  make a conscious decision to ignore the BIGGER picture as long the NRA continues to keep their pockets full.

Bottom line, why can the United States government have stricter regulation for Medicaid and Medicare than they do gun laws- which I find awfully insane. I can't walk into the Department of Human Services expecting to show my ID and fill out a single page application and here you go I now have my food stamps.

DHS requires you to submit an 18-page application just to get an interview; not to mention most corporation are requiring an applicant to submit a personality test just to see if they would make an "excellent candidate" regardless of how "impressive" their resume is. And still the United States government can't seem to figure it out how to implement gun control laws?

You would think that by now stricter laws would have been implemented to make it virtually impossible to purchase since it has been 17 years since Columbine. How many more live have to be taken before our congressmen get it together?

I get that it's my constitutional right to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment?" I'm not arguing that one can't have that right per the amendment, what I am arguing about is the blatant misinterpretation of it.

Just a simple afterthought; it's not the guns that kill, it's the person behind the trigger. 

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