Friday, June 10, 2016

Keep'em coming Mr. Trump: Trump’s ‘Pocahontas’ attack leaves fellow Republicans squirming (again) Blog 2

Today, a Washington Post reporter set their eyes on Capitol Hill seeking an answer from the Republican Party regarding their presumptive presidential nominee- Donald Trump. It appears, Mr. Trump just can’t seem to keep his racist antics to himself; tweeting out in the tweeter atmosphere “Pocahontas is at it again”, referring to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). 

I found the article quite amusing as I recall an interview Mr. Trump gave with CNN’s news anchor Jake Tapper, just one week ago. Mr. Trump suggests that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel recused himself from Trump’s current lawsuit filed by former students of Trump University, stating that his Mexican Heritage makes the judge bias because of Trump plan to build a wall along the Mexican/US border.

If that wasn’t enough, he finds himself yet again; in the news, this time, making underhanded slugs towards Sen. Elizabeth Warren assumed Indian Heritage. First, it was President Obama's "Muslim" faith and "citizenship" and now Mexicans and Indians. 

I just don't think the Republic Party could prepare enough for such disconnected nominee.  

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