Saturday, June 25, 2016

Commentary: e·qual·i·ty [əˈkwälədē] written by Sydney:Blog 6

Is the operative word for today’s generation equality? I believe so, especially after reading a blog titled "e•qual•i•ty [əˈkwälədē]/:noun: the state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities" by one of my classmate Sydney. I found her blog to be bold and her views very well defined.

Sydney referred to our government as a "Rube Goldberg machine", and although I wasn't sure of what such machine was; it became apparent as I continue to read her blog. Sydney stated, “The government is a slow moving Rube Goldberg machine that has to be readjusted and tweaked over and over to get the marble onto the next part, meanwhile the obstacles are changing” and I agree.

Our nation's government has no choice but to keep up with the everyday changes our society presents. The obstacles will continue to change and because of those changes, our laws must be tweaked.

It's no secret that women are not being paid the same as men although both may have identical education backgrounds, and qualification necessary to do the same job. It's not a secret that civil right laws are being violated and is more prevalent today than 60 years ago, thanks to social media. And it's no secret that homosexuals couples have to fight harder just to have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

Why should it be so difficult for politicians to comprehend? Equality equates to equal rights regardless if it goes against the government's norm. Society will continue to move forward with our demands for equal rights as our government remains to stagnant.

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