Saturday, June 18, 2016

Trump Is So Toxic That Even Members Of His Own Party Would Rather Vote Hillary:Blog 4

Correct me if I'm wrong but has Trump lost his mind to the point that even members of his own party would rather vote for HilaryWell, according to assignment editor Alana Horowitz Satlin, a writer for The Huffington  Post; it appears so. And there is no doubt she is trying to grab the attention of other members of the Republic party with this article.

It appears that the GOP front-runner Donald Trump has become the most embarrassing candidate in GOP history as he continues to make a donkey of himself every chance he gets. According to the Huffington Post, “A top official in the George W. Bush administration has become the most prominent Republican to endorse Hillary Clinton for president”.

Richard Armitage made a statement in an article published by  Politico“that Trump doesn’t appear to be a Republican; he doesn’t appear to want to learn about issues. So I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton.” But Mr. Armitage is not alone. 

Former governor, Arne Carlson (R-MN), also made a statement to the CityPages, that “no human being in history has been more vetted” than Clinton while Trump "has taken campaigning to a new low.” and although Carlson didn't come straight out and say it; it sounds like a “Hillary endorsement” to me. 

Ms. Horowitz Satlin, goes on to make claims that although other Republican have not voiced their plans to jump on the Hillary bandwagon, "but have said they can't support Trump either". 

Here's my question of the day: If you do not have the support of your own party, why would you continue to make a mockery of real issues as though you are in a scripted "Reality" show. Keep this up Mr. Trump the next words you'll here is YOU'RE FIRED. And the hopes of being the next President of the United States of America may only be an episode on House of Cards. 

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