Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Assault weapons must be banned in America: Blog 3

With the horrific massacre that took place in Orlando this past Sunday, and as I begin trying to process my thoughts or rather disassociate myself altogether; I came across this article, written by Eugene Robinson, an opinionated editor for the Washington Post and rightfully titled "Assault weapons must be banned in America" and felt as though he was writing my thoughts.

It was made clear from the very beginning of the article who the editor audience was as I proceeded to read. Mr. Robinson's hopes of finding a way to address the problem with a possible solution would be the ideal. But let's be honest, it may take a few more attacks of terror on U.S soil before our politicians wake up and remember exactly why The United States Constitution was written and why the Second Amendment was adopted.

He argues that "No hunter needs an AR-15 to bring down a deer" and I agree. The US has way too many "right-wing extremist" whose sole purpose is to take the United States Constitution and twist it in such a way for the purpose of making things fit their needs and their needs alone.  The Second Amendment was written for the people by the people which state “to protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms by supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state”. Not to have the right to take military grade weapon and cause havoc because of religion, hatred or the "just because" factor.

Mr. Robinson also argues that "Congress should immediately ban gun sales" or provides "universal background checks" to anyone who wants to purchase any military grade firearms. Even with that being said, the Orlando shooter passed his background check as still was able to commit the worse massacre in US history. So that tells me We are still failing as a country and more regulation are necessary to keep our country safe from those within our walls-no puns intended.

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